Bethel moodle
Bethel moodle

bethel moodle

I once had a student who thought that farmers should study math as it related to farming, carpenters should study math relating to building, etc. Growing up on a farm made me realize the practical applications of math. My father and three of his four siblings as well as the spouses of those three were all educators. How does your background and educational experience shape your teaching at Hesston? I also enjoy learning and an important part of teaching is to be continually learning. To see students gain self confidence as problem solvers and discover they can, without the constant guide of a teacher, understand new ideas and solve problems themselves is a joy to me. While it is not always enjoyable for either the student or teacher, the struggle with a problem and learning the perseverance to keep trying to solve a problem actually energizes me as a teacher. It felt good to hear students say after class that they felt like they understood at the end of the session what they had not understood at the beginning of the session. I first became interested in teaching when, as a student, I was a problem session leader in Statistics at Bethel College. I also enjoy helping other people understand something new, which is one of the main reasons I decided to become a teacher.

bethel moodle

Studying Math can help one become a better problem solver in general, not just in the particular discipline of Mathematics. I enjoy Math because it is both an art (similar in creativity and freedom to create-like jazz) and a science, with practical applications.

bethel moodle

I enjoyed Math, especially geometry, in high school and decided to continue studying math in college.

Bethel moodle